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Three Unique Tips to Help Maximise Fat Loss

The causes are relatively clear as well. For a start there's the mass produced processed junk food that so many people fill their shopping baskets with every single week, and there's also the fact that many people now lead slightly more sedentary lifestyles and are far less active. Thanks to modern technology such as smart phones, TV's, computers, and tablets, people are spending more time scrolling through page after page of web results, rather than getting any real exercise, and the effects are beginning to show now more than ever. If you're fed up of being overweight, and would much prefer to be leaner, fitter, and healthier, then there are a few things you can do to help, including the three tips we'll be providing you with here.

Try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - We all know that exercise is so, so beneficial for fat loss, but some forms of exercise are even more effective than others. When it comes to maximising fat loss, it simply cannot be denied that HIIT is one of the most effective methods of exercise there is. HIIT basically involves a person alternating between periods of slow and steady exercise, followed by quick and intense bursts of activity. So, for example, a person may walk on a treadmill for 2 minutes, before cranking up the speed and sprinting as fast as they can for 30 - 45 seconds, before slowing down and walking for 2 minutes, and repeating for several more rounds. HIIT helps to burn calories, and also improve and increase the metabolism even when we rest, so even when we're resting we're able to burn more calories.

Eat little and often - Most people seem to think that they need to starve themselves in order to lose weight, when in actual fact, they need to be eating more. Before you call us crazy, just hear us out. Rather than eating one of two large meals a day, you should instead be eating between 5 - 7 small and healthy meals, which keep the metabolism fuelled and running at its most efficient. Eating small and balanced meals means the metabolism gets a constant supply of energy, so it can do its job, which is to burn calories and excess body fat, to supply the body with more energy. Eating small healthy and balanced meals is the best way to go about losing weight, and is far more beneficial than starving yourself.

Lift weights - As well as cardiovascular exercise, weight and resistance training is another great way of really helping to get that fat burnt off fast. The reason for this is that as you build more muscle, your body will burn more calories because muscle requires twice as many calories as body fat to maintain itself. To supply these calories, the metabolism works harder and burns more fat as a result, so the more muscle you build, the more fat you burn, even by simply resting.

for more great information take a look at this program to take you to the next step of losing weight.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Jowett

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