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A Positive Attitude Can Improve Your Health

Are you a happy person? Do you smile more than you frown? Do you laugh often? Believe it or not, your mood affects your health. Stress causes your body to have physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Stress will also wreck havoc on any efforts to loose weight as your body releases more cortisone which leads to fat storage and muscle mass loss. To decrease your stress and improve your over-all health try these tips:

Simply setting your mood when you first wake up can affect how you feel all day. One way to help you do that is set up small pleasures for yourself the night before. For example: if you love the smell of fresh brewed coffee, get a coffee pot with a timer and set it to brew 3 minutes before your alarm goes off in the morning. Little things like that can help start your day with a positive attitude

Another way to improve your mood is to set a positive goal for yourself. Having something to reach for will keep you motivated and moving forward in your day and leave you with a sense of accomplishment that night. And don't forget to reward yourself for meeting your goals.

Do something for someone else. For me, this is a huge one! Nothing takes your mind off your own problems like serving others. Volunteer at your local food bank or animal shelter. Do something nice for a neighbor, like baking cookies or inviting them over for dinner. You are sure to feel better and so will those you serve!

Certain foods can improve your mood as well. Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, tryptophan, folate and other B vitamins, low glycemic foods, and chocolate have all been studied to determine their impact on mood. While the results of these studies are mixed, any woman will tell you a small piece of dark chocolate will make her day!

Finally, exercise. 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day will release endorphins and improve your mood. Working out in the morning will set your mood for the whole day! If you haven't exercised before start with a program like 10-Minute Trainer or Slim in Six. Whatever you do, exercise 5-6 days a week for at least 30 minutes to improve your health.

So SMILE! If you choose a positive attitude your whole body will thank you!

I would love to help you improve your health and fitness! Visit http://www.createdforliving.com for a FREE food guide with hundreds of foods that improve mood and attitude, as well as fitness tools to help you burn off stress and increase endorphines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennyfer_Norvell

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