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Protein Intake and Muscle Building Routine

After water, protein is the largest constituent in our body that plays a vital function in appropriate performance of our living system. When you are planning muscle building routine or in other words want to lose fat, you must have unquestionable heard about the benefits of protein. We all know that with growing age muscle diminishes so building muscle mass with exercise or by consuming accurate amount protein can help you prevent this loss. For building muscle mass the rule of thumb is to eat at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day, it's important that you should complement your protein diet with the right amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are very essential to amplify the natural release of insulin, a hormone that is one of the bodies' most compelling anabolic or muscle building hormone.

Building muscle mass help protect your joints from injury especially in athlete, in recent studies the fact has established that the incidence of injury is lower in athletes who were well qualified and have the right amount of muscle mass. Building muscle strength is important for persons with skeletal muscle problems; it can decrease the signs and symptoms of numerous chronic conditions, like back pain, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis. Building muscle mass can also increase your stamina and reducing stress on bones, increasing bone density which results in a decrease prevalence of osteoporosis. As mentions earlier that when you lose weight your body gain more muscle mass, hence building muscle mass can help you burn more calories effectively. The more toned your body is, the easier is to manage your body weight.

One of the advantages of building muscle under supervision is that it may reduce the risk of having diabetes in the adult population. Diabetes specialists have proposed that people trying to lose weight not just to look smart but also to protect them from diabetes. New research has definitively that there is a possible benefit in diabetes by building muscle, not just losing fat. American College of Sports Medicine lately recommends that healthy adults should always do exercises- like lifting weights 3 to 4 day per week to avoid them from diabetes and other serious health issues regarding weight. Keep in view the fact that a muscle building routine is helpful in some of the medical conditions more scientific studies should be conducted in this direction for better understanding of muscle building routines as a preventive measure against diabetes and other similar conditions.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Austin_Zack

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