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The Secret To My Weight Loss - You Can Lose Weight Too!

At 6ft tall I have always carried my excess weight quite well. In recent years I had started my own garden maintenance business, so that kept me active and fit. I had put my heaviness down to muscle mass, with a little flab here and there. I was basically in denial. I also had arthritic pain in my little finger and my right knee, which I put down to my age. That changed when George was born, which coincided with being diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic.

I decided I wanted to see my Grandson, and any future additions, grow up into adults, and have an active involvement in their lives. The pain that I imagined if I were to miss out on this, became the great driving force in my quest to become healthier and fitter.

My Diet

Overall my diet was pretty good. I ate at least seven portions of fruit and vegetables each day. I didn't consume a vast amount of take away foods, or processed shop bought food (my Wife is a great cook), and my alcohol intake was minimal. However, I did consume a certain amount of crisps, biscuits and chocolate, usually late at night when I was winding down. I also do not like to see food wasted, so I always clear my plate and usually those of my family.


In the months of spring to autumn, I am very active at work, usually doing between eight and ten hours per day. I usually work six to seven days per week. I also like to go on my bicycle once or twice per week for an hour or so. During these months, I do not really need anymore exercise, but during winter it becomes a problem.

I consume large quantities of food when I am working hard, because I need the calories and nutrients to function. However, when winter comes I find it very difficult to reduce my calorie intake sufficiently, because my body is use to the large requirements. And because I am exercising less due to my lesser workload, I inevitably gain weight, and quite drastically. I sometimes put on 20lbs to 30lbs in weight over the winter. As we all know it is easier to put on than take off.

The Fundamental Issues

How can I find the right calorific balance that enables me to lose weight, find my optimum weight and maintain that optimum?

How can I increase my overall level of fitness, resulting in me being less tired and becoming more energised?

How can I reduce the risks associated with Type 2 Diabetes?

How can I achieve this without aggravating my arthritic knee, and falling foul to new injuries or health issues?

My Starting Point

I started to monitor exactly what I ate, using one of the many 'apps' that be found for mobile phones. I also developed an exercise regime that I used during the summer on the inactive days that I had due to the inclement weather. I was also going to expand on this as winter approached.

If you want to have a look at my Daily Diet sheet that enabled me to lose 20lbs in 12 weeks then email me at nigel@healthysizzle.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nigel_Holmes

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