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Foods That You Should Simply Never Eat

Whether you are a man or a woman, trying to gain muscle mass or lose fat, you need to be aware of the foods that you are eating. You could spend half an hour on the treadmill and put yourself through a very intense workout and still find at the end of it, that you've only burned about 300 calories.

But did you know that one doughnut could easily set you back that same 300 calories? This doughnut, which takes only minutes to consume, is about the same as half an hour on the treadmill. It doesn't really seem like a fair trade-off.

Did you also know that a simple hot dog at the food court of one of North America's major retailers has 16 grams of saturated fat? That is almost all of your recommended daily allotment in saturated fat in a single item. If you add fries to that, and many people do, now you're going over your recommended daily allotment of both saturated fat and sodium in a single sitting.

With this in mind, it occurs to me that it is not your fault. You simply didn't know. The aim here, is to outline foods that many people don't even know are as bad for you as you might think.

1. Hot dogs.

Not just the ones at the major retailer that I was referring to, but almost any of them. Most of them contain meat that is mechanically separated. This basically means that all of the good and useful parts of the animal have been removed and turned into steak, pork chops and chicken breast, while the remainder gets pounded and crushed into a pink paste. This is what most hot dogs are made of.

2. Donuts.

I know, they are delicious, but many of them contain type of unsaturated fat known as trans-fat. Trans-fats are artificially created and are far worse for your arteries than even saturated fat. It is used in many junk foods simply because it makes food taste delicious. In fact, foods that contain trans-fat are completely banned in Canada. But if you live in the USA, it is still a very real threat.

3. Potato Chips

First, I need to admit that this was my hardest food to quit. I love my chips, but there is a very good reason for that. Potato chips contain what scientists refer to as the perfect combination of the tasty yet deadly triad of salt, sugar and fat.

Remember that a healthy lifestyle is more than just diet, it requires a healthy diet, an exercise regimen and education. You can diet and exercise all you want, but the challenge is keeping ahead of the advertisers who want to fill their bank accounts at the expense of your health and your wallets.

The Betterman Club is working against them and for you. Visit The Betterman Club to keep ahead of the curve.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Deveau

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